Ordenar ofertas por:
A Coruña(17)
Ciudad Real(2)
Illes Balears(27)
La Rioja(29)
Las Palmas(10)
Santa Cruz de Tenerife(3)
Sin especificar(27)
Calidad, producción, I+D(1.415)
Administración empresas(1.890)
Administración Pública(3)
Atención a clientes(783)
Comercial y ventas(2.555)
Compras, logística y almacén(1.673)
Diseño y artes gráficas(149)
Educación y formación(73)
Finanzas y banca(100)
Informática y telecomunicaciones(1.235)
Ingenieros y técnicos(1.739)
Inmobiliario y construcción(692)
Marketing y comunicación(616)
Otras actividades(1.520)
Profesiones y oficios(1.253)
Recursos humanos(543)
Sanidad y salud(1.057)
Sector Farmacéutico(179)
Turismo y restauración(887)
Ventas al detalle(56)
Estudios mínimos:
Ciclo Formativo Grado Medio(4)
Ciclo Formativo Grado Superior(12)
Educación Secundaria Obligatoria(98)
Formación Profesional Grado Medio(25)
Formación Profesional Grado Superior(25)
Ingeniero Superior(3)
Ingeniero Técnico(3)
Otros títulos, certificaciones y carnés(1)
Sin especificar(1.187)
Sin estudios(16)
Jornada laboral:
Intensiva - Indiferente(25)
Intensiva - Mañana(16)
Intensiva - Noche(1)
Intensiva - Tarde(4)
Parcial - Indiferente(96)
Parcial - Mañana(3)
Parcial - Tarde(2)
Sin especificar(481)
Tipo de contrato:
A tiempo parcial(4)
De duración determinada(307)
Fijo discontinuo(4)
Otros contratos(271)
Sin especificar(445)
Ver ofertas empleo
Ofertas de empleo

Ofertas de empleo de Calidad, producción, I+D

1.416 ofertas de trabajo de Calidad, producción, I+D

Electromecánico/a - Campos de Golf
Estamos buscando un/a Electromecánico para una empresa comercializadora de maquinaria y vehículos especializados para campos de golf y zonas verdes, para el mantenimiento de sus clientes en Andalucía. Con delegación ubicada en Estepona. ¿QUÉ SE OFRECE? * Contrato Indefinido * Horario: de lunes a jueves de 7.45 a 17.00h, viernes de 7.45 a 15h. Verano (julio y agosto) jornada intensiva de 7.45 a 15h. * Salario entre 24.000 - 27.000 euros/brutos anuales en función de la experiencia aportada al puesto + variable. ¿QUÉ FUNCIONES REALIZARÁS? En dependencia del Delegado Comercial de Andalucía y del responsable del equipo de Electromecánicos SAT, te encargarás de: * Realización del diagnóstico y reparaciones, así como mantenimiento en las instalaciones de los clientes. * Gestión y orden del material, herramientas y equipos de trabajo. * Participación en los programas de formación. * Promover el servicio de asistencia técnica y la venta de repuestos entre nuestros clientes, garantizando su satisfacción con el mismo.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
24.000€ - 27.000€ bruto/año
Tècnic màrketing, comercial i administració

El nostre client, sólida empresa realcionada amb el món animal i veterinari, amplia plantilla!!

Volem incorporar una persona polivalent, per donar suport en:

  1. Departament Comercial: assistir al director comercial en les diferents tasques, concertació de visites, visitar clients per a formació en metodología de treball, sistemes informàtics, procediments legals, ... per tota Catalunya
  2. Departament de Màrketing: supervisió de l'activitat de l'empresa externa que porta les XXSS, preparació de newsletters per a clients i creció de contingut, comuncació interna, ... Preparació d'informes de venda, ratis, ... Recerca d'informació per al Director Comercial, preparació de tallers per a clients, ...
  3. Departament d'adminsitració en general: preparació documentació per inspeccions, gestions Generalitat, preparació reunions amb clients, preparació tallers clients, preparació documents interns empresa, gestions internes com control fitxatges, control vacances, etc...

Pensem en una persona amb molt de gust pel món animal, les mascotes, etc..., amb alt grau d'iniciativa, polivalència, proactivitat, ...


  • Incorporació immediata, indefinida i totalment estable en companyia de primer nivell
  • Paper protagonista en la organització, treballant estretament amb gerència i direcció comercial
  • Horari partit i flexible de dilluns a divendres
  • Possibilitats reals de créixer professionalment
  • Molt bon ambient de feina
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Repartidor amb furgoneta

Descripció del lloc de treball:

Com a Repartidor amb furgoneta, seràs responsable de la recollida eficient i segura de productes als clients. Treballaràs en un entorn dinàmic i hauràs de garantir que les entregues es realitzin puntualment i amb un alt nivell de servei al client.

Responsabilitats principals:

  • Carregar i descarregar productes a la furgoneta de manera segura.
  • Realitzar les entregues als clients d'acord amb les rutes establertes.
  • Assegurar-se que els productes s'entreguen en bon estat i en el temps previst.
  • Mantenir la furgoneta en condicions òptimes de funcionament.


  • Oportunitat de treballar en una empresa en creixement
  • Salari revisable i creixent cada any
  • Horari de 9:00 a 17:00.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Repartidor amb furgoneta

Descripció del lloc de treball:

Com a Repartidor amb furgoneta, seràs responsable de la recollida eficient i segura de productes als clients. Treballaràs en un entorn dinàmic i hauràs de garantir que les entregues es realitzin puntualment i amb un alt nivell de servei al client.

Responsabilitats principals:

  • Carregar i descarregar productes a la furgoneta de manera segura.
  • Realitzar les entregues als clients d'acord amb les rutes establertes.
  • Assegurar-se que els productes s'entreguen en bon estat i en el temps previst.
  • Mantenir la furgoneta en condicions òptimes de funcionament.


  • Oportunitat de treballar en una empresa en creixement
  • Salari revisable i creixent cada any
  • Horari de 9:00 a 17:00.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Operario/a de elaborados cárnicos
Desde IMAN Temporing, empresa especializada en RRHH, queremos acompañarte en tu trayectoria laboral. #ConectamoseltalentoconlasoportunidadesSeleccionamos para trabajar en El Viso Del Alcor: Operarios/as para elaborados cárnicosIndispensable:- Tener vehículo propio para los desplazamientos- Tener disponibilidad inmediata¿Qué funciones realizarás?- Trabajar en cadena de producción de despiece y deshuese cárnico- Abastecer de materia prima la línea- Carga y descarga de mercancía- Manipular carne cruda de pavo y pollo Ofrecemos:- Contrato jornada Completa (40 horas semanales)- Turnos de rotativos de mañana y tarde de Lunes a Sábado- Contrato inicial de 2 meses y posibilidad de prórroga- Salario: 9,91 Euros bruto/hora.
Jornada completa
Contrato de duración determinada
Salario sin especificar
Customer Quality - Automoción
Importante empresa de automoción con más de 75 años en el mercado nacional e internacional, siendo líderes en la fabricación y distribución de motocicletas de alta calidad, precisa incorporar un perfil Técnico de Customer Quality con Inglés para sus oficinas situadas en el Vallés Occidental.

En dependencia del New Business Team Leader sus funciones serán:

- Verificar que se registran y se da respuesta rápida y de calidad a las no conformidades de cliente.
- Gestión de reclamaciones e incidencias de los materiales y accesorios de la empresa.
- Determinar las causas raíz y acciones correctivas ante desviaciones y reclamaciones de clientes.
- Gestión de la plataforma y cuestionarios requeridos por cliente con IMDS.
- Supervisión global del departamento.

Se requiere:
- Conocimientos de calidad y no conformidades
- Inglés nivel profesional
- Informática: conocimientos de Microsoft Office (Excel)
- Persona comunicativa y organizada.
- Disponibilidad para viajar a nivel europeo de manera muy puntual.

Se ofrece:
- Trabajo estable con contrato indefinido.
- Horario de 7:30 a 16:45 de Lunes a Jueves y Viernes de 7:30 a 14:00.
- Incorporación a una empresa multinacional competitiva en continuo crecimiento del sector de la automoción.
- Formar parte de un equipo de profesionales cualificados, con un excelente y motivador clima laboral.
- Desarrollo y proyección profesional
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Project Manager Events i Congressos
Agencia d?esdeveniments i congressos que treballa dins del territori nacional i internacional busca un perfil de Project Manager perquè s'encarregui de:

-La relació directe amb el client.
- L'organització del congrés.
-L'organització i coordinació de tots els proveïdors.
- La gestió pressupostària.
- La gestió de l'equip intern d'inscripcions
- La gestió de ponents.

Es requereix:
-Experiència en organització de congressos
- Castellà natiu i anglès avançat.
- Haver organitzat d emanera íntegra més de 4 congressos.

- Projecte estable.
- Possibilitats de creixement professional.

Pensem en una persona proactiva, organitzada i amb una alta capacitat de lideratge i de relació i tracte amb el client.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
30.000€ - 35.000€ bruto/año
Responsable calidad alimentación
Para una importante empresa del sector alimentación de la Ribera del Ebro se precisa incorporar director/a de calidad.

- Gestión del procedimiento de calidad, auditorias y procesos de certificación.
- Control de estándares de calidad establecidos.
- Mantener y promover la mejora continua de distintos proyectos.
- Creación de fichas técnicas de productos y trazabilidad.
- Comunicación con clientes y proveedores.
- Gestión de reclamaciones y no conformidades internas.
- Apoyo al departamento de producción.
-Control de la documentación y trazabilidad del producto.

Se Ofrece:
- Contrato indefinido.
- Jornada completa a turno partido.
- Salario negociable según valía.
-Horario: 8 a 13h y de 15h a 18h.

Se requiere:
- Conocimiento en normativa IFS.
- Experiencia en industria de impresión.
-Trabajo en equipo.
-Orientación al cliente.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Jefe/a de Proyectos Sector Fotovoltaico
Para importante empresa dedicada al diseño, ejecución y mantenimiento de instalaciones para el sector energético, situada en el área metropolitana de Valencia, seleccionamos un/a JEFE/A DE PROYECTOS SECTOR FOTOVOLTAICO con alta experiencia.

Reportando directamente a Gerencia y al Departamento de Calidad, la persona contratada, se responsabilizará de:
- Controlar y supervisar la ejecución de los proyectos asignados, desde el arranque hasta su finalización.
- Gestionar los equipos de trabajo asignados a cada proyecto.
- Cumplir con el cronograma y los hitos establecidos en los diferentes proyectos, así como llevar a cabo la gestión presupuestaria de los mismos.
- Realizar la gestión administrativa de los proyectos, documentación y certificaciones necesarias.
- Diseñar los planos, realizar el estudio técnico, así como gestionar los materiales y el coste de los proyectos.

Se ofrece:
- Posición estable a jornada completa.
- Incorporación inmediata.
- Salario compuesto por parte fija y variable.
- Excelente ambiente laboral.
- Remuneración acorde a la experiencia y valores aportados.
- Área de actuación: Valencia y Castellón.

Se requiere:
- Profesional resolutiv@, responsable, proactiv@ y con fuerte iniciativa.
- Excelentes dotes organizativas y buenas habilidades sociales para trabajar en equipo.
- Buena comunicación y trato interpersonal.
- Alta capacidad coordinando equipos y de autogestión.
- Disponibilidad de desplazamiento.
- Carnet de conducir: tipo B.
- Residencia en Valencia o área limítrofe.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Desde IMAN Temporing Sabadell, empresa especializada en RRHH, queremos acompañarte en tu trayectoria laboral. #ConectamoseltalentoconlasoportunidadesBuscamos incorporar un/a operario/a de metal para una gran empresa que se dedica al reciclaje de metal y gestión de residuos ubicada en Castellar del Vallés. ¿QUE FUNCIONES REALIZARAS?- Recepción y descarga de la mercancía. - Separar materiales a reciclar con herramientas de taller. - Movimientos de los materiales (valorable experiencia con puente grúa o retroexcavadora).- Realizar movimiento de los sacos de escombros con carretilla frontal. - Desmonte de maquinaria y prensado de residuos.- Realizar mantenimiento y prevención de la maquinaria.¿QUE OFRECEMOS?- HORARIO: De Lunes a Viernes de 8:00h a 17:00h. - SALARIO: 9,20€/hora brutos (1.545€/mes brutos aprox.).¡¡PUESTO ESTABLE!!
Jornada completa
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Desde IMAN Temporing, empresa especializada en RRHH, queremos acompañarte en tu trayectoria laboral. #ConectamoseltalentoconlasoportunidadesDesde nuestra oficina ubicada en Reus, estamos contratando para importante empresa ubicada en La Selva del Camp del sector de la alimentación, un/a maquinista de producción:Funciones:- Manejo de la máquina de producción- Control de parámetros de la máquina envasadora- Taponado de los productos- Control de peso, temperatura del proceso y tratamiento de pasteurización- Limpieza de la máquina según instrucciones- Control de calidad de los productosSe ofrece:- Acompañamiento y formación del puesto de trabajo- Contratación directa por empresa- Horario: 5º turno (M/T/N) Lunes a Domingo- Salario 20.400€ brutos anuales
Jornada completa
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Técnico/a Junior Calidad - Híbrido - Indefinido
¿ Te gustaría desarrollar tu carrera profesional en el sector de la enegía y el medio ambiente? Empresa multinacional busca incorporar un Técnico de calidad ¿ Qué ofrecen? * Contrato indefinido. * Jornada completa- flexibilidad horaria. * Teletrabaj * Salario competitivo según experiencia laboral. Funciones: * Planificación y diagnóstico del estado inicial de la Organización * Análisis del contexto * Análisis de riesgos y oportunidades * Diagnóstico y evaluación del cumplimiento legal * Elaboración e implantación de la documentación del sistema * Formación sobre el sistema integrado de gestión * Implantación y mantenimiento del sistema * Auditoría interna * Apoyo en certificación
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Responsable de Taller

En Carglass valoramos enormemente la profesionalidad y la calidad en el trabajo para ofrecer un servicio excelente a nuestros clientes, y estamos seguros de que tú puedes ayudarnos a mejorar cada día.

Contigo, ¡podemos llegar hasta la luna!

Necesitamos seleccionar un Responsable de Taller a jornada completa, para cubrir una plaza en nuestro centro de servicio ubicado en Valladolid.

¿En qué consistirá tu día a día?

- Te responsabilizarás de todas las gestiones administrativas propias del centro.

- Te responsabilizarás de la venta de los productos adicionales que ofrecemos en nuestros servicios.

- Planificarás y organizarás el montaje técnico (reparación y substitución de lunas).

  • Prestar un servicio de primera clase al cliente, satisfaciendo sus necesidades y anticipándote a cualquier necesidad de éstos.

Y ahora hablemos de beneficios, ¿qué te ofrecemos?

Retribución flexible:

  • Carglass Baby Care: Tienes la opción de cheque guardería en caso de que tengas peques, y hasta que cumplan los 18 años, recibirás una beca al inicio del curso escolar.
  • Becas formativas.
  • Mútua colectivo Carglass.

Solidaridad y Sostenibilidad: podrás participar activamente en los proyectos de la compañía.

Referral Program: Si referencias a una persona que cumpla con el perfil que buscamos recibirás un referral bonus.
Programas de Wellbeing

  • Carglass Saludable: podrás disfrutar de nuestra plataforma para tener una vida más saludable y activa mediante videos, clases en vivo y consejos para llevarlo a cabo.
  • LAP

Carglass Xtra: contarás con descuentos en distintos establecimientos y ocio para disfrutar de tu tiempo libre.
Formación continua y un amplio catálogo de formación libre.


  • Premios META: Premiamos a nuestros héroes y heroínas a nivel nacional.
  • Premios BEPA: Premiamos a nuestros colaboradores, a nivel internacional.
Jornada completa
Contrato de duración determinada
Salario sin especificar
Técnico/a de Calidad / Innovación de títulos
OBJETIVO Ser un agente activo de los procesos de verificación, modificación y correcta implantación de las titulaciones universitarias oficiales y propias. PRINCIPALES FUNCIONES * Proceso de verificación y modificación de titulaciones * Definir, planificar, ejecutar y dar seguimiento al proceso de verificación de nuevos títulos y modificaciones, en virtud de la regulación aplicable en cada caso. * Coordinar y supervisar el diseño de la documentación correspondiente a la memoria e informes respectivos, con los distintos autores, y dar seguimiento a todo el proceso. Se deberá analizar la pertinencia de las propuestas de planes de estudio planteadas y/o recomendar la incorporación de innovaciones metodológicas. * Coordinar los procesos de alegaciones en respuesta a los distintos informes recibidos desde las agencias de evaluación correspondientes. * Control de la gestión documental de las titulaciones. * Proporcionar capacitación en materia al equipo interno o a colaboradores externos. * Implantación del Sistema de Calidad * Realizar un seguimiento de las titulaciones implantadas para recomendar la realización de modificaciones, en virtud del proceso de implantación de las mismas. * Participar en procesos de evaluación de la calidad de las titulaciones y/o auditorías internas.
Jornada completa
Contrato indefinido
Salario sin especificar
Researcher for Battery Pilot Plant

CIDETEC Energy Storage is looking for a person to join in the Energy Materials Unit. The position will cover the needs of the strategic projects carried out in the Pilot Plant.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we are waiting for you!

Our work covers the entire value chain, from battery chemistry to the final application. We design and develop cells, modules and battery packs tailored to our customers’ needs, with a clear focus on technology transfer to industry. The researcher’s work will be related to proyect management.

Your contribution

You will form part of a state-of-the-art research centre, geared to sustainability and the circular economy, which has helped electrify Spain’s roads and is now working towards 100% future sustainability.

The successful candidate will work in the Pilot Plant, implementing new processes and techniques for the manufacture of electrodes and lithium ion cells.
For this purpose, he or she must have knowledge in the set-up and maintenance of machinery.
The successful candidate will work independently according to the defined work plan.

He or she will participate in the following tasks:

  • Ink processing and knife and slot die coating.
    Manufacture of electrodes for batteries and manufacture of cells. Electrochemical characterisation.
  • Maintenance and set-up of machinery.
    Design of coupling systems for new machinery.
  • Battery manufacturing: keeping records and traceability of materials. Maintain, and work on the quality of the systems.
  • Ensure the quality of the processes carried out in the Pilot Plant, development of quality protocols and check list.
  • Project management.
  • Drafting of project proposals.

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions that result in a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that allow you to build a solid career, working on projects that transform both industry and society.
  • Work with teams at the very highest level in local, national and European settings.
  • Work-life balance initiatives
  • Continuous training
  • Privileged setting in a safe and friendly environment.
  • Salary according to the candidate's merits.

  • Immediate start date.

Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Solid State Battery Researcher

CIDETEC Energy Storage is looking for a person to join in the Energy Materials Unit.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we are waiting for you!

Our work covers the entire value chain, from battery chemistry to the final application. We design and develop cells, modules and battery packs tailored to our customers’ needs, with a clear focus on technology transfer to industry. The researcher’s work will be related to proyect management.

Your contribution

You will form part of a state-of-the-art research centre, geared to sustainability and the circular economy, which has helped electrify Spain’s roads and is now working towards 100% future sustainability.

The developer will join the Energy Materials Unit, working on the development of battery technologies. They must be capable of carrying out several lines of work simultaneously, optimising resources and maximising results.

The researcher will work independently, according to the defined work plan.

Your work will focus on the following activities:

  • Development, characterization and optimization of SSB towards project KPIs including failure and post-mortem analysis.
  • Investigation of physical-chemical and electrochemical properties of solid electrolytes, electrodes and cell components.
  • Project management and management of laboratory staff.
  • Data analysis and interpretation. Writing project proposals, technical reports, patent applications, conference abstracts and scientific manuscripts.
  • Participate in technology transfer and scale-up of the developed materials and technologies.
  • Perform literature and patent search to identify new materials, technologies and processes.

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions that result in a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that allow you to build a solid career, working on projects that transform both industry and society.
  • Work with teams at the very highest level in local, national and European settings.
  • Work-life balance initiatives
  • Continuous training
  • Privileged setting in a safe and friendly environment
  • Variable remuneration package for all employees
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Researcher for Prototyping and Testing of Advanced Batteries

CIDETEC Energy Storage is looking for a person trained in battery engineering to work in the Energy Materials Unit. A person trained in mechanical engineering with knowledge on viscoelastic material properties and porous media mechanics. Knowledge on mechanical modelling would also be an asset, so that the candidate can combine experimental studies with simulations to contribute to develop R&D projects in advanced battery cell prototype development.

We are seeking a person with project and people management skills including technical task planning, analysis of results, writing monitoring reports for clients and R&D team leader.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we are waiting for you!

Our work covers the entire value chain, from battery chemistry to the final application. We design and develop cells, modules and battery packs tailored to our customers’ needs, with a clear focus on technology transfer to industry.

Your contribution

You will form part of a state-of-the-art research center, geared to sustainability and the circular economy, which has helped electrify Spain’s roads and is now working towards 100% future sustainability.

The developer will join the Energy Materials Unit, working on the development of battery technologies. They must be capable of carrying out several lines of work simultaneously, optimising resources and maximising results.

The researcher will work independently, according to the defined work plan.

Your work will focus on the following activities:

  • Continuous monitoring of the scope and progress of each task/work package in the project.
  • Managing the project documentation, both internal and external, including writing project reports.
  • Analysis of possible improvements while the project is underway.

You will also be involved in:

  • Collaborating on the creation of documentation for funding search purposes.
  • Clear focus on product/market/results (deadlines, cost, time).
  • Meeting the forecasts established in the annual plans.

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions that result in a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that allow you to build a solid career, working on projects that transform both industry and society.
  • Work with teams at the very highest level in local, national and European settings.
  • Work-life balance initiatives
  • Continuous training
  • Privileged setting in a safe and friendly environment
  • Variable remuneration package for all employees
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Researcher for the Multi-Physics Battery Modelling Series

CIDETEC needs to recruit a researcher to work in the Multi-physics Modelling area in the Energy Materials Unit.

A researcher is required in the area of energy storage, capable of assisting in the development and implementation of multi-physics models for lithium ion and lithium metal batteries.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we are waiting for you!

Our work covers the entire value chain, from battery chemistry to the final application. We design and develop cells, modules and battery packs tailored to our customers’ needs, with a clear focus on technology transfer to industry. The researcher’s work will be related in the development and implementation of multi-physics models for lithium ion and lithium metal batteries.

Your contribution

You will form part of a state-of-the-art research centre, geared to sustainability and the circular economy, which has helped electrify Spain’s roads and is now working towards 100% future sustainability.

The developer will join the Energy Materials Unit, working on the development of battery technologies. They must be capable of carrying out several lines of work simultaneously, optimising resources and maximising results.

The researcher will work independently, according to the defined work plan.

They will be in charge of implementing new mechanisms and features on an existing battery simulation code. This will require knowledge of Python programming as well as fluency in deducing and implementing variational formulations for complex models.

Your work will focus on the following activities:

  • Generating new ideas/concepts and implementing them.
  • They will assist in producing documentation related to the search for funding.
  • Strong product/market/result orientation (deadline, cost, time)
  • Achievement of the forecasts defined in the annual plans.
  • Continuous monitoring of the state of the art and the market.

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions that result in a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that allow you to build a solid career, working on projects that transform both industry and society.
  • Work with teams at the very highest level in local, national and European settings.
  • Work-life balance initiatives
  • Continuous training
  • Privileged setting in a safe and friendly environment
  • Variable remuneration package for all employees
Jornada completa
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Electronics Engineer for the Printed Electronics Line

CIDETEC Surface Engineering needs to recruit a person with extensive knowledge in electronics to join its Nanosurfaces Unit, to reinforce the line of materials and processes for printed and/or embedded electronics, working on activities related to the electronic control of printed elements.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we are waiting for you!

CIDETEC is an international leader in research and innovation related to surface engineering in the fields of Coatings and Surface Treatments, Polymers and Composites, and Nanosurfaces. We specialise in the treatment of surfaces and materials with state-of-the-art technologies. The researcher will work in activities related to the development of training and industrial R&D projects, in close contact with the most prominent companies in sectors such as aeronautics, automotive and energy.

Your contribution

You will join a cutting-edge research centre, focused on sustainability and the circular economy, which has spent years understanding and revolutionising the surfaces of things, from those we touch every day in our homes or in our vehicles, to the most demanding materials for sectors such as aeronautics and energy.

You will work on training and/or company transfer projects, carrying out your work in such a way that you are able to pursue several lines of research simultaneously, optimising resources and maximising results.

In addition to working on issues related to the electronic control of printed elements at both hardware and software level, your work will focus on the following activities:

  • Reinforcement and promotion of the materials and process line for printed and/or embedded electronics.
  • Generate new ideas/concepts.
  • Analysis of results, drafting reports and preparing presentations.
  • Supporting the preparation of documentation connected with seeking funding.

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions that result in a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that allow you to build a solid career, working on projects that transform both industry and society.
  • Work with teams at the very highest level in local, national and European settings.
  • Work-life balance initiatives
  • Continuous training
  • Privileged setting in a safe and friendly environment
  • Variable remuneration package for all employees
Jornada completa
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Salario sin especificar
Researcher for the Coatings and Electrochemical Surface Treatments Area

CIDETEC Surface Engineering is looking for a person to join Coatings and Surface Treatments Unit, which develops electrolytic coatings and surface treatments with improved properties, addressing major challenges in response to industrial demands and European programmes.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we are waiting for you!

CIDETEC is an international leader in research and innovation related to surface engineering in the fields of Coatings and Surface Treatments, Polymers and Composites, and Nanosurfaces. We specialise in the treatment of surfaces and materials with state-of-the-art technologies. The researcher will work in activities related to the development of R&D projects focused on industrial development in close contact with the most prominent companies in sectors such as aeronautics, automotive and energy.

Your contribution

You will join a cutting-edge research centre, focused on sustainability and circular economy, which has spent years understanding and revolutionising the surfaces of components, from those we touch every day in our homes or our vehicles, to the most demanding materials for sectors such as aeronautics and energy.

You will work on research and/or company transfer projects, carrying out your work in such a way that you are able to pursue several research lines simultaneously, optimising resources and maximising results.

Your work will focus on the following activities:

  • Reinforcement and promotion of multifunctional coatings research line
  • Management and implementation of R&D projects.
  • Analysis of results, drafting reports and preparing presentations.
  • Direct interaction with clients and suppliers
  • Writing of scientific articles
  • National and regional proposals preparation

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions that result in a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that allow you to build a solid career, working on projects that transform both industry and society.
  • Work together with teams at the very highest local, national and European level.
  • Professional work-personal life balance measures,
  • Continuous training
  • Privileged setting in a safe and friendly environment
  • Variable remuneration package for all employees
Jornada sin especificar
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Salario sin especificar
Reasercher for the Monitoring of Degradation Phenomena Area

CIDETEC Surface Engineering is looking for a person to join Coatings and Surface Treatments Unit, to reinforce the line of degradation phenomena monitoring with non-destructive techniques, addressing major challenges to respond both to industrial demands and European programmes.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we are waiting for you!

CIDETEC is an international leader in research and innovation related to surface engineering in the fields of Coatings and Surface Treatments, Polymers and Composites, and Nanosurfaces. We specialise in the treatment of surfaces and materials with state-of-the-art technologies. The researcher will work in activities related to the development of R&D projects focused both in basic research and industrial development in close contact with the most prominent companies in sectors such as aeronautics, automotive and energy.

Your contribution

You will join a cutting-edge research centre, focused on sustainability and circular economy, which has spent years understanding and revolutionising the surfaces of components, from those we touch every day in our homes or our vehicles, to the most demanding materials for sectors such as aeronautics and energy.

You will work on research and/or company transfer projects, carrying out your work in such a way that you are able to pursue several research lines simultaneously, optimising resources and maximising results.

Your work will focus on the following activities:

  • Reinforcement and promotion of the monitoring of degradation phenomena line.
  • Management and implementation of R&D projects.
  • Analysis of results, drafting reports and preparing presentations.
  • Direct interaction with clients.
  • Writing of scientific articles
  • European, national and regional proposals preparation

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions that result in a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that allow you to build a solid career, working on projects that transform both industry and society.
  • Work together with teams at the very highest local, national and European level.
  • Professional work-personal life balance measures,
  • Continuous training
  • Privileged setting in a safe and friendly environment
  • Variable remuneration package for all employees
Jornada sin especificar
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Salario sin especificar
Researcher for the Ceramic Coatings Area

CIDETEC Surface Engineering is looking for a person to join Coatings and Surface Treatments Unit, for the development of ceramic coatings and enamels with high resistance to extreme environments, tackling major challenges to respond to both industrial demands and European programmes.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we are waiting for you!

CIDETEC is an international leader in research and innovation related to surface engineering in the fields of Coatings and Surface Treatments, Polymers and Composites, and Nanosurfaces. We specialise in the treatment of surfaces and materials with state-of-the-art technologies. The researcher will work in activities related to the development of R&D projects focused both in basic research and industrial development in close contact with the most prominent companies in sectors such as aeronautics, automotive and energy.

Your contribution

You will join a cutting-edge research centre, focused on sustainability and circular economy, which has spent years understanding and revolutionising the surfaces of components, from those we touch every day in our homes or our vehicles, to the most demanding materials for sectors such as aeronautics and energy.

You will work on research and/or company transfer projects, carrying out your work in such a way that you are able to pursue several research lines simultaneously, optimising resources and maximising results.

Your work will focus on the following activities:

  • Reinforcement and promotion of the coatings for extreme environments research line
  • Management and implementation of R&D projects.
  • Analysis of results, drafting reports and preparing presentations.
  • Direct interaction with clients.
  • Writing of scientific articles
  • European, national and regional proposals preparation

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions that result in a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that allow you to build a solid career, working on projects that transform both industry and society.
  • Work together with teams at the very highest local, national and European level.
  • Professional work-personal life balance measures,
  • Continuous training
  • Privileged setting in a safe and friendly environment
  • Variable remuneration package for all employees
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Researcher for the Tribology and Tribocorrosion Area

CIDETEC Surface Engineering is looking for a person to join Coatings and Surface Treatments Unit, with expertise in tribology and tribocorrosion that will contribute to addressing major challenges in response to both industrial demands and European programmes.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we are waiting for you!

CIDETEC is an international leader in research and innovation related to surface engineering in the fields of Coatings and Surface Treatments, Polymers and Composites, and Nanosurfaces. We specialise in the treatment of surfaces and materials with state-of-the-art technologies. The researcher will work in activities related to the development of R&D projects focused both in basic research and industrial development in close contact with the most prominent companies in sectors such as aeronautics, automotive and energy.

Your contribution

You will join a cutting-edge research centre, focused on sustainability and circular economy, which has spent years understanding and revolutionising the surfaces of components, from those we touch every day in our homes or our vehicles, to the most demanding materials for sectors such as aeronautics and energy.

You will work on research and/or company transfer projects, carrying out your work in such a way that you are able to pursue several research lines simultaneously, optimising resources and maximising results.

Your work will focus on the following activities:

  • Reinforcement and promotion of the tribology and tribocorrosion research line
  • Management and implementation of R&D projects.
  • Analysis of results, drafting reports and preparing presentations.
  • Direct interaction with clients.
  • Writing of scientific articles
  • European, national and regional proposals preparation

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions that result in a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that allow you to build a solid career, working on projects that transform both industry and society.
  • Work together with teams at the very highest local, national and European level.
  • Professional work-personal life balance measures,
  • Continuous training
  • Privileged setting in a safe and friendly environment
  • Variable remuneration package for all employees
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
HW Researcher/Designer in the Storage Systems Area

CIDETEC Energy Storage is looking to recruit a person to join its Storage Systems unit, which designs, develops and tests the batteries of the future for all types of applications.

If you want to be part of this revolution, we’re waiting for you!

Our work covers the entire value chain, from battery chemistry to the final application. We design and develop cells, modules and battery packs tailored to our customers’ needs, with a clear focus on technology transfer to industry. The researcher’s work will be related to SW development in the different segments in this field.

Your contribution

You will form part of a state-of-the-art research centre geared to sustainability and the circular economy, which has helped electrify Spain’s roads and is now working towards 100% future sustainability.

You will work on training and/or company transfer projects on the storage systems unit strategic line involving HW and validation and its industrialisation. You must be capable of carrying out several lines of research simultaneously, optimising resources and maximising results.

Your work will be geared to:

  • BMS market research, according to the application (automotive, stationary, light mobility, domestic storage, aerospace).
  • Schematic and PCB design to comply with the specifications according to the design standards defined.
  • Providing support for design validation and analysis of results.
  • Providing support for integrating design in the final application.
  • Working on the development of new algorithms for the BMS (Battery Management System) control SW.

You will also be involved in:

  • Generating and implementing new ideas/concepts.
  • Drawing up technical documentation.
  • Drawing up technical documentation connected with seeking funding.

What we offer you

  • At CIDETEC you will be able to develop your career alongside a team of top-level professionals, in a young yet committed environment, dedicated to innovation and seeking to provide practical solutions for a more sustainable world.
  • Professional development opportunities that will help you build a solid career, working on projects to transform industry and society.
  • Work with top-level teams in local, national and European settings.
  • Work-life balance initiatives.
  • Continuous training.
  • A privileged setting in a safe, friendly environment.
  • Variable remuneration package for all employees.
Jornada sin especificar
Otros contratos
Salario sin especificar
Especialista en Sistema y Redes

CIDETEC seleccionará a una persona para incorporarse en el área de TICs en el campo de sistemas y redes. Se necesita una persona con experiencia en realizar acciones y mejoras en la red, optimizar reglas de segmentación en el firewall, analizar necesidades de software y gestionar la consola de administración del antivirus. El enfoque principal es asegurar un entorno informático seguro, eficiente y alineado con las necesidades de la empresa. Además deberá tener habilidades técnicas sólidas y una mentalidad orientada a la resolución de problemas

Tu aportación

Entrarás a formar parte de un centro de investigación de vanguardia, orientado a la sostenibilidad y la economía circular, que ha acercado la electrificación a nuestras carreteras y ya trabaja en un futuro 100% sostenible.

Tu labor estará enfocada a:

  1. Acciones y mejoras en la red.
  2. Optimización de reglas de segmentación en el firewall.
  3. Análisis de necesidades de software.
  4. Gestión de la consola de administración del antivirus.
  5. Resolución de problemas y soporte técnico.

Qué te ofrecemos

  • En CIDETEC podrás desarrollar tu carrera junto a un equipo de profesionales de primer nivel, en un ambiente joven y al mismo tiempo comprometido, volcado en la innovación y que busca aportar soluciones prácticas que redunden en un mundo más sostenible.
  • Oportunidades de desarrollo profesional que permitan forjar una carrera sólida, trabajando en proyectos transformadores de la industria y la sociedad.
  • Colaborar con equipos del más alto nivel en ámbitos locales, nacionales y europeos.
  • Medidas de conciliación personal y profesional
  • Formación continua
  • Ubicación privilegiada en un entorno seguro y amigable
  • Complemento de retribución variable para todos los empleados
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Salario sin especificar